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Chula Vista Genealogical Society

Chula Vista, California

"Helping our members meet their genealogy goals"

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Would you like to support Chula Vista Genealogical Society?

 Chula Vista Genealogy Society is an all-volunteer, public benefit nonprofit 501(c) (3) tax exempt organization financed solely by membership dues and donations. The Society is registered in California, Tax ID # 33-0685302. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. You can make a cash donation by mailing a check to CVGS by mail at:

Chula Vista Genealogical Society

P.O. Box 2034

Chula Vista, CA 91909

You may also donate using the form below:

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
Zip Code
*Donation Amount ($USD)
Describe the purpose or how you wish your donation to be used.

Volunteer Your Time and Skills

Use your passion of genealogy and family history to contribute your time and skills to the Society. CVGS depends on volunteers as board members, committee members and to serve the society with large and small tasks. Contact for more information and current volunteer opportunities.

-Do you have genealogy information to share and like to teach and train others?

-Are you interested in helping others research their genealogy?

-Do you have time to assist CVGS Historian, Librarian or Hospitality Chair?

-Are you interested in assisting with meeting and event planning?

Chula Vista



P.O. Box 3024
Chula Vista, CA  91909

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