Chula Vista Genealogy Society General Meeting.
“Heirloom Show and Tell”
Presented by: Jane Strawn
Due to illness, Georgie Stillman will not be presenting her usual program, “Heirloom Discovery Day”. However, our own Jane Strawn will be presenting “Heirloom Show and Tell”.
Please bring in your family treasures to share with the group. If you can carry it, you can bring it! If possible, send Jane a photo of your item so it can be projected on the big screen.
Please email and let Jane know if you will be bringing a Family Treasure. Don’t forget the story.
The meeting starts promptly at Noon with announcements and intrductions. A presentation by our guest speaker followed by a short business meeting and finally raffle drawings, refreshments and fellowship will complete the program.
Please register soon if you plan to attend this meeting so that we may better plan for this event.
Attendance is free